Information for charges on Building Grants


Building Grants

There is some money available for Building Grants to charges and it  would be greatly appreciated if wherever possible applications could be submitted electronically to help facilitate their review and circulation to the Provincial Building Grants Group during this period of home working and virtual meetings.
The experience of the last few years has been that grant application far exceed the available funding.   It is therefore important that other funding sources are investigated wherever possible and the Group suggests that dioceses should be encouraging charges to consider submitting application to other grant awarding bodies when planning building works.  (A number of funding sources are detailed on the SEC website at:   Dioceses are reminded that the application form specifically requests information on any unsuccessful  grant applications submitted in respect of the proposed works.
Given the demand for grants it is extremely unlikely that any grant in excess of 50% of the total costs will be awarded. Dioceses are requested to consider carefully before any application in excess of 50% of costs is submitted and to provide an explanation in their accompanying Letter of Support why, in the Diocese’s opinion, the application merits a grant in excess of 50% of costs.
The Group finds that photos can often assist it in its understanding of applications and is grateful to those applicants that have submitted photos with their applications.  It would be grateful if dioceses could encourage applicants to submit photos with their applications.
Applications should be submitted by the following dates.

The meeting dates and application deadlines for 2021 are:

Meeting Dates                                        Application Dates                     Submission to the Diocese
Tuesday 25 May                                     Tuesday 4 May                            Friday 23rd April
Tuesday 28 September                          Tuesday 7 September                 Tuesday 24th August

The process for Brechin Diocese is that Applications for Building Grants should be submitted to the Diocesan Buildings Committee via the Diocesan Secretary Mr Mike Duncan.
( 10 days before the submission date to the Province. Grants which are approved will be then be brought before the  Diocesan Council for final approval and will be submission ready for the Provincial Buildings Grants Group.

Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme
As you may be aware the continuing availability and operation of the Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme (LPWGS) is periodically reviewed.  Operation of the scheme had been guaranteed to March 2021.  It has however recently been announced that operation of the scheme has been renewed for a further year.
